my new logl: Sadira Stone, Northwest Romance with Heart & Heat (background is sunset over a pine forest)

How do you like my new logo? Since all my books are set in the US Pacific Northwest, AND I’m prepping for two big book events in the PNW, I’ve switched up my logo. Isn’t it pretty?

Welcome to REAM!

My husband giggles about the name of this new serial ficiton service, but his sense of humor is stuck in the 8th grade. 🤣 I’m pretty sure the creators of REAM were thinking of a ream of paper, but anyway…

I’m excited to join this new for-authors, by-authors fiction subscription service!

Why subscriptions? Like Spotify & Netflix, more and more readers are opting to subscribe—not just to KU or Kobo Plus (my books are in the latter program), but to subscription platforms like REAM where they can get serialized stories before they’re published to the big vendors like Amazon, Kobo, B & N, Google Play or Apple Books. (My books are available on all of those)

Book cover of Through the Red Door shows a couple kissing. She's astride his lap. Bookshop in the distance. Text: Two good men compete to heal a widown's heart--but it only holds room for one.

First up for me on REAM: Through the Red Door, first book in my Book Nirvana series, set in a quirky indie bookshop in Eugene, Oregon. What makes Book Nirvana special, besides Lulu the aggressively friendly shop cat, is the erotic book collection kept behind a locked red door.

Sound familiar? TTRD was my first-ever romance book, originally published by a small press, and… Well, let’s say the cover and editing could’ve been better. And to be honest, I’m a far better writer today than I was in 2018, so… I’ve completely revised and updated this book, and I’m very pleased with it! I hope you will be too.

Want to read the first three chapters for free? Just click over to REAM and scroll to the bottom of the page, where you’ll find Stories by Sadira Stone.

Sample Through the Red Door on REAM for FREE!

PS: Even if you’re not interested in subscribing, I’d be oh so grateful if you’d follow me on REAM. By doing so, you’ll help other readers discover my REAM page, and it costs you nada! Just click the Follow button when you’re on my page. Thanks so much!