Cover of Through the Red Door, images of Dalton (white man, shaved head, blue eyes, short blond beard) and Nick (handsome dark-haired Greek man)

Through the Red Door, my latest release and Book One in the Book Nirvana Trilogy, is a big ol’ Love Triangle—many romance readers’ least favorite trope. 😭 What can I say? I was a baby author writing her first romance novel, and I didn’t know any better. And even with this massive re-edit and new chapters, at it’s heart, TTRD is still a love triangle.

But y’all, it’s such a good story! And—spoiler alert—the guy who isn’t chosen gets his own HEA in Book Nirvana 2.

So, in hopes of persuading the love-triangle averse to give Through the Red Door a try, let me introduce the guys vying for widow Clara’s heart.

Meet Dalton Garvey. Good morning, Dalton. Tell us a bit about yourself.

(Self-consciously rubs his shaved head) Well, I…uh…

Dalton’s not the toot-your-own-horn kind of guy, so let’s start with the basics. You’re really tall, aren’t you?

Yeah, six foot six. Clara says one of my feet is as long as both of hers.

What do you do with your time when you’re not with Clara?

I teach social studies at North Eugene High School, where I coach track and cross country.

Any hobbies?

(Rubs his short, golden beard. His sheepish grin is so cute!) My work with the kids takes up so much time and energy, I don’t really do much else—besides the Eugene Road Runners, a running club I persuaded Clara to join. I’m really proud of her for trying new things, considering all she’s dealing with—losing her husband, managing Book Nirvana…

And dating another guy?

(Soft groan) Look, I don’t like it, but we’re just getting to know each other. I’m crazy about Clara, but I can’t very well demand exclusivity without coming across as a controlling asshole, right? She doesn’t need anyone pressuring her now, so my best chance is to spend time together and hope she sees what a good fit we are—we’re practically neighbors; we have lots of laughs; and there’s no denying the chemistry between us.

As a divorced, childless man in his late thirties, you could have your pick of women. Why Clara?

(Deep sigh, but he’s smiling) Harry, my older cousin, works in Book Nirvana, and he was worried about Clara spending too much time alone, so he pushed me to ask her out. Man, do I owe him bigtime. Clara’s a special lady—beautiful, that goes without saying, but also astonishingly honest, unafraid to be vulnerable, kind, wise, and funny. She’s everything I could wish for, and I’ll do what it takes to make her see how good we could be together.

Meet Nick Papadopoulos. Tell us about yourself, Nick.

(flashes a dazzling smile) Let’s see…I’m a Leo. I love long rows on any body of water that’ll hold my racing shell, and I’m Greek, obviously. Well, Greek-American with a dash of Kenyan. I’ve definitely got an interesting family. What else?

I can see that rowing must be an excellent workout. (eying his muscles through his tailored dress shirt)

(laughs) It’s great for burning off frustrations, like when my new department chair at UC Berkeley tries to block my tenure.

Why would she do that?

She’s not a fan of my area of research: the sexual mores and ideals of bygone eras. That’s what brought me to Clara’s shop: her collection of books on historical erotic art is legendary among collectors. What’s behind her red door outshone my expectations—but man, the bookseller herself shines even brighter. She’s amazing… (trails off on a sigh).

Ah, but Clara’s already seeing another guy, right?

(squares his broad shoulders) To be precise, she met us both on the same day. And I hate to admit it, but Dalton seems like a decent guy. Nevertheless, what I feel for Clara is too strong to give up easily. From the moment we met and both stumbled over our words, the electricity between us has been off the charts. She’s smart, compassionate, and brave enough to face her fears head-on. And sure, Eugene, Oregon is a long way from Berkeley, California, but long-distance relationships can work. Hell, for Clara, I’d even consider relocating. She’s…(dreamy smile) simply breathtaking.

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Thanks for reading. Wishing you an excellent week!