Books Make the Best Gifts! #MFRWauthor

Books Make the Best Gifts! #MFRWauthor

This week’s topic from the Marketing for Romance Writers blog challenge is Gift-getting–“What I always wanted, but not very much.” Reading Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages clarified something I suspected all along: gifts are not my...
Meet Erotic Romance Author Liv Arnold

Meet Erotic Romance Author Liv Arnold

Today I’m chatting with Australian erotic romance author Liv Arnold. Liv has worked as a copywriter for several global companies and now runs her own freelance business. She grew up in Melbourne, Australia, and lives with her husband and their spoiled dog, who...
Meet Author Charlotte O’Shay

Meet Author Charlotte O’Shay

Today it’s my pleasure to interview a fellow Wild Rose Press author, Charlotte O’Shay, and share her new release, Forever in a Moment, the latest addition to WRP’s Deerbourne Inn series. Charlotte O’Shay, author of Forever in a Moment Charlotte was born in New...