In Love with Love #IWSG March 2021

Farewell, February! Get ye gone! The first sings of spring glimmer amidst the dead winter leaves. Pandemic restrictions are so much easier to take when I can enjoy some time outdoors! How I miss working on my WIP in our backyard gazebo. Step by tiny step, spring is...

DNF! The Anatomy of a Nope #IWSG

Join the IWSG monthly blog hop here: Welcome, 2021! And huzzah for the first Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop of the new year. Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and...

No-No-NaNo, and Other Winter Writing Woes

Join the IWSG monthly blog hop here: What is even time anymore? And yet, here we are, gathering for another blog hop among the Insecure Writers Support Group. Purpose of the IWSG: To share and encourage....

Multiple Outlines #AuthorToolboxBlogHop

Huzzah! I’ve joined the Author Toolbox Blog Hop, sponsored by Raimey Gallant . On the third Wednesday of each month, participating authors share their best tips and resources on the craft and business of writing. You won’t want to miss her post from last...