Wrangling a Bucking Bronco, Manuscript Style

No, I don’t write cowboy romance, though I do enjoy reading them. What I’ve been wrestling with is a spicy contemporary romance that refused to be tamed. The story bucked and kicked and bolted at breakneck speed until it finally exhausted its energy. At last, I can...
Writing Spaces: Where Does Your Muse Live?

Writing Spaces: Where Does Your Muse Live?

Most of the time, I can be found in my messy little writing cave. I happily spend hours there, blessed with electricity, privacy, a comfy reading chair, lots of books, and good wifi. Coffee and the WC are right next door. Since my work is writing fiction and other...
Avoiding Writerly Pitfalls

Avoiding Writerly Pitfalls

  Join the IWSG monthly blog hop here: http://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com/p/iwsg-sign-up.htmlWhat a month it’s been! July brought another round of edits of my soon-to-be-published contemporary romance, major progress on its sequel, and my first-ever RWA...


It’s IWSG Wednesday again. The Insecure Writers Support Group provides a place for writers of all stripes to let down their guard, share their writerly fears and questions, and find help. Have you seen the June 25 article on Goodreads Giveaways? Good stuff. The...