My Dream Dinner Party #MFRWauthor

My Dream Dinner Party #MFRWauthor

Can you believe it’s August already? My math teacher husband reminds me why I’m constantly astonished at how rapidly the months and seasons fly by: When we’re ten, a year is ten percent of our lives and thus seems a very long time. But at my age, a year is less than...
Whither Creativity? #MFRW Author

Whither Creativity? #MFRW Author

“The creative adult is the child who survived.” –Ursula K. LeGuin This week’s topic from the Marketing for Romance Writers blog hop is Creativity: How it strikes us in different ways. Join the discussion here: I...
Putting on the Ritz #MFRWauthor

Putting on the Ritz #MFRWauthor

Today’s topic from the Marketing for Romance Writers blog hop: Dressing up–chore or pleasure? All dolled up for my step-son’s wedding last fall. Aren’t the bride and groom gorgeous? For me, this is one of those instances where I forgot/neglect...
Getting the Golden Ticket #MFRWauthor

Getting the Golden Ticket #MFRWauthor

Today’s topic from the Marketing for Romance Writers blogging challenge: How getting the call (or acceptance) changes lives. Hoo-boy, that’s a big topic! Want to chime in with your own experiences? Join us here: Yeah,...
Wedding Dreams? #MFRWauthor

Wedding Dreams? #MFRWauthor

Join the blog hop here: Today’s topic from the Marketing for Romance Writers blog challenge: What would be your dream wedding? You’d think I’d have more thoughts on this, being a romance writer and all. But I never...